
I’m so not a left brain person. Instruction manuals, recipe ingredient lists…it’s all just gibberish to me…maybe this is why I only went as far as Algebra in high school. I mistakenly thought that purchasing a new domain for my new blog would be easy, and merging it with my old blog address would be even easier. Turns out, not so much.

So bear with me as I experience some technical difficulties getting things just right.

Last night I went out with some new girlfriends, and had QUITE a few skinnygirl margaritas. So many that all of my little insecurities bubbled to the surface and I had a mini-breakdown in the car on the way home. Seeing all the fun these girls have together and hearing their histories as neighbors and friends made me really, really miss Chicago. And what can I say…I might have gone home and consumed my weight in pizza drowned in ranch dressing.

Sigh. In the light of a new day, I am constantly reconciling my complicated emotions. We are closing in on 9 months since we purchased our Texas home. At times if feels like we’ve been here forever…but most of the time it feels like we just ripped the band-aid off to reveal the fragile skin underneath. All those nerves exposed.

This morning, in an effort to comfort my dehydrated and addled self, Vann says to me, “This, my dear, is what Stevie Nicks calls a landslide.”

Oh. Ok. Now I get it.

response to “Landslide.” 1

  1. We in Chicago aka the frozen tundra miss you too. Can you believe that I have a rockin tan but it's too cold to show it off? I haven't been tan since I had one sprayed on for my 30th bday party when I was 7 months pReggers with Lauren. Doesn't that seem like a lifetime ago! Anyway, best wishes for your new writing. Love your URL.

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