This adorable onesie is on loan from Charlie’s friend, Lauren Mouse. It says “Well Bred”, but you’d never know it with her legs all splayed out like that. Charlie, where are your manners??
Charlie is quite the wiggle-worm these days. Mommy spent an hour trying to get her to sit still for her 5 month pictures today. Charlie doesn’t actually turn 5 months old until Friday, but since she’ll be in Texas by then, she thought she’d celebrate a little early. Here are the best shots of the bunch, and as you can see, she won’t even let Fergie be in the pic this time! What a photo hog!!!!
Charlie decided to debut her new snowsuit on the coldest day of the year. Here she is, sitting up in the “big girl” stroller for the very first time.
She’ll get a break from the Chicago cold soon–she’s hightailing it to Texas to spend some time with her Mimi and Poppy. Mommy and Daddy are getting a much needed vacay and Mimi and Poppy can’t WAIT to see the little girlie. Stay tuned for a couple more updates before Charlie takes off!!
Gwen Stefani would say that Charlie has a “fatal attraction to cuteness”. She is, after all, Charlie’s style icon. Some days she’s prep, some days she’s punk. Watch for a lot more punk as this little chica learns how to rock. it. out.
Yesterday Charlie thought she’d spend some time down on the farm. The very fancy fringed cowboy boots were a gift from Great Aunt Lala! YeeeeeHawww!!!!!
Charlie received a “Playplace” for Christmas from Nana & JJ. It has four sides and will be great when she starts crawling! Notice her great head control! What’s next for this little girl, driving??