We’ve been holding out hope that Charlie would continue her morning naps. However, this past week, it became apparent that as she slept well in the AM, her PM nap was basically non-existent. So we have begun the transition. Oh, woe is me, what WILL we do all morning?? It dawns on me that this may be the perfect segueway back to the gym….Mommy time, an hour and a half of (almost) free childcare, a way to get out stress and lose that last little bit before we even THINK about Baby #2…..suffice to say it may be the perfect solution. We’ll let you know how it goes. Until then, pray for me as I entertain a very cranky 14 month old….
Here’s Charlie in her new Room 7 dress (have I mentioned that the designer of Room 7 is actually the daughter of the couple who started Oilily??) Way to keep it in the family!!!
Off to eBay. You know Sunday’s are huge days for eBay, right????
I admired her dress and shiny shoes in the nursery today. Everett has only taken one nap a day for about a month now. It makes for a strict 7PM bedtime which is kind of nice. The gym is a great idea. I wish I were more motivated (as I stare at a huge bowl of halloween candy).
I’m more interested in hearing more about why Sunday is a big day on Ebay. Should I make all my auctions end on Sunday? Is that how to get the most last minute competitive bidding!?
P.S. the dropped morning nap, sad sad day for mommy – I hear you!
Are you KIDDING??? I LOVED it when Ethan dropped his morning nap! Mommy could finally have a life and leave the house! But then again, with winter approaching perhaps leaving the house isn’t all that appealing 🙂