A Prologue to the Terrible Two’s

Unfortunately, Charlie is in a bit of a “hair-pulling” stage. Don’t know why she does it, but she likes to give it a good yank. Not so much fun for Mommy, or anyone with long hair for that matter. Come to think of it, not so much fun for anyone with hair.

Sweet Dali was such a good sport. She would firmly say “stop”, but never cried or made a stink. She gets the award for “Biggest Trooper”.

It should also be noted that Charlie now seems to enjoy throwing what we like to call “mini-tantrums”. I googled “16 months” and “tantrums” and turns out, she’s right on target. In fact, www.babycenter.com emailed me a monthly update and the title was “Tantrums”. Hmmm. I guess it IS possible for the “Terrible Two’s” to show up early.

Watch your braids and dangly necklaces, ladies. It’s for your own good.

On the Third Day of Christmas….

….Charlie had a fever. 103, to be exact. There was a night where we thought we might have to pay Mother Francis Hospital a visit, but thankfully, the Lord answered our prayers. Some doses of Motrin and many snuggles later, our girl’s fever broke and she was back to her old self.

Remember that sweet Mulberry St. outfit? We surprised Aunt M’Emily and Dali with it and enjoyed seeing pics of Dali wearing the same outfit two years ago!!

On the First Day of Christmas…..

Now that we have whet your appetite for a little Bischoff/Archilla Christmas fun, I will begin by sharing these pics of Charlie and her unbelievably cute cousin Owen taking a trip in the car on our first full day in T-Town (Tyler, Texas, for all who are unfamiliar). Little “Owee”, who is 9 months old, is just about the sweetest darn tootin’ little man you’ll ever meet, and I just know that these two will be thick as thieves!

MANY pictures to share from our time away….so many that it will take Mommy a few days to recharge the “witty” part of her brain after traveling and being over-socialized. To be continued….