Mayday, Mayday

We are supposed to fly out at 7 am in the morning, but what with the coming ice storm, our actual departure will be anybody’s guess. Don’t be alarmed if you get a call begging a ride home from the airport for three hapless travellers. Here’s hoping we’ll be on the ground, safe and sound, by lunchtime.

I am leaving you with these pictures of our apartment in complete disarray. Welcome to my world. I feel like all I do all day is keep little beings out of things I don’t want them to destroy, a.k.a. my furry Coach boots and our Christmas tree. And by beings, I mean Charlie and her two kitty sisters. You might have to commit me before I even make it out of the house in the morning, ice storm or not.

All I need right now are many pairs of willing hands to take over for a little bit, so I can sleep. Ah precious sleep….you mystified me at the beginning of this journey and you continue to be just out of my grasp! I will find you again….you are just a plane ride away….

Snowy Day

I didn’t get any shots of Charlie at the brunch, so I had to snap a couple quick ones when we got home. She’s gearing up for the Bischoff Christmas Extravaganza this evening!! Although Santa will be visiting Charlie on Christmas Day, we asked him to come a little early to celebrate with the three of us before we make our southern trek. We’ll make sure to take tons of pics of Charlie and her “loot”!

Boys will be Boys

Today we had lunch with the Petkus kids. We’ve spent a lot of time at the Petkus house over the past 15 months (and earlier, as Charlie was in my tummy while I nannied for this amazing family) but since she’s been mobile it’s a lot more fun for her. She loves all the attention, and was soaking it up this morning! She’s especially fond of Lou. Here she is, getting some pointers from Joe (on the left) and Jack (on the right)….

….and feeding her obsession of dollhouses with Sammy and Lou….