Just Strollerin’ Along

After our wagon ride, we spent some time in the backyard, and I remembered that I had bought Charlie this little $10 doll stroller at Target. She received a beautiful doll stroller from Mimi and Poppy last Christmas, but it’s still in Texas, as it’s proven to be very difficult (and expensive) to ship. I thought this might tide her over until she gets it back.

If you’ll notice her shoes (another forgotten gem)…cupcake sandals from Target as well!!

Paint Her Wagon

Yesterday, Daddy assembled Charlie’s brand new Step 2 wagon. We got the idea from Ms. Megan and Lindsay, after a really fun wagon ride we had with them last month. It was sunny and we decided to walk down to Ribfest (one of the neighborhood street festivals) and see what we could scare up. Unfortunately, Ribfest didn’t appear to be “wagon-friendly” (too many people) so we made a stop at Starbucks so Mommy could get a frap and then rode on home.

These pictures make me laugh because Charlie does look like a bit of a diva riding by herself. She actually lasted for quite awhile without getting fidgety. A great alternative to the stroller!!

Sunny Day

Friday Ms. Megan and I went for another round of what I call Power Strollerin’…it was a beautiful day and we didn’t let it go to waste. A long walk South to Roscoe Village (a really cute ‘hood), a quick stop at the park, and a long yummy brunch made this a perfect afternoon.

The girls loved their time at the park, and as you can see, Charlie is obsessed with the slide…that is, going UP the slide. She was too scared to come down the slide, so she just practiced her stairs.

Yuck, and Yuck

Yesterday, Charlie posed in her too-cute new shirt from Carter’s…I just love it (excuse the bars behind her, gotta love the city, right??)!!! Later on, the sun made it’s appearance and we spent the afternoon in the backyard. We even had impromptu visits from Ethan, Henry, and little Miss Olivia! The kids ran around the backyard and screamed and did their usual thing.

This morning we woke to yet another dreary, no good, yucky rainy day. I am starting to think we will NEVER see sun here in Chicago. I mean, it’s JUNE 11th, for goodness sakes! I’m afraid our walk with Ms. Megan and Lindsay got pushed to tomorrow, so it’s a PJ day here in the Bischoff house. I do love being out and about, but there’s nothing like the comforts of home. Off to pour myself some coffee (1/2 caff, of course, in case you were wondering)…

Let Sleeping Toddlers Lie

This morning my Mom’s Group outing took a detour when we all discovered it was too wet to go to the park. Fantasy Kingdom, here we come! Fantasy Kingdom is kind of like an indoor amusement park, except there are no “rides”. Everything is geared towards little ones. It was seriously a workout keeping up with Charlie as she fought to play with all the big kids. Eventually Ms. Megan and I had to take the girls to the “baby area” so that we could just sit down and relax!

After some intense playtime, we had lunch and Charlie and I headed home to get things ready for little Miss Emilyn, who came to play this afternoon. Lucky me, both girls have been asleep since 1:30 pm, and it’s now 4 pm. Kinda weird to walk down the hall and realize that there are two sleeping toddlers in the house…I guess a sign of what’s to come!

Here are some truly funny pics of Charlie and Lindsay having a ball…


What a cutie!! I was so excited to find out that Charlie’s Pishposhgirls knot dress from last summer still fits her. I paired it with her new Matilda Jane gingham art fair ruffles…a perfect match, if I do say so myself!!

Singing “I’m a Little Teapot”…