I’ve had quite the dilemma lately…at least, a dilemma to me. Do I keep all of Charlie’s clothes or do I sell some stuff off as she grows out of things?? I know, we don’t know the sex of the baby yet (although we will soon!) so it would stand to reason to hang onto the things I have loved on her…but in sitting down and thinking about the timing of this baby and where he/she will fall in the seasons, I realized that Charlie’s clothes will most likely be too big for “her”. And to hold onto every last thing “in case” our (possible) third child is a girl…well, we just don’t have the space and I am fickle, and that is just the truth.
So, I spent an afternoon going through bins and decided that we cannot fit any more in our storage unit…so when one thing comes in, one must go out. Last night my auctions on eBay ended and I did quite well, better than I expected, and so the fun begins. 🙂
Now, don’t go thinking that I sold it all; I will hold onto all of the Oilily, Matilda Jane, and cherished clothing from the closet of Charlie’s cousin, Dali…but things like winter parkas and snow boots are things that the little one in my tummy is not going to need in a year’s time. Here is just a small list of the things I have purchased/are purchasing for Charlie for Fall/Winter. As usual, it is quite the mixture, because you know, variety is the spice of life.