Prima Ballerina

So, in all the craziness of the past month I COMPLETELY neglected to share that Charlie is starting ballet tomorrow morning! Anyone who knows me knows that being either A. a prima ballerina and/or B. a chorus line dancer on Broadway are two of my unrealized dreams. I took ballet at a very young age but unfortunately didn’t stick with it long enough to be any good, and I always knew I would want my daughters to at least TRY it.

Truth be told, I’m not sure that there will be much “technique” involved in the 2 year old “Pre-Ballet” class, but we all know what’s more important at this stage of the game, don’t we? Leotards, tutus, and ballet shoes. Yup…and lots and lots of pictures, maybe even me with a video camera, if it’s allowed.

I am SUPER geeked about this class. Stay tuned for tomorrow!!


I am proud to say that every single stitch of clothing in this apartment is washed, dried, folded, and put away, as of this afternoon. Vann hung out with Charlie after naps today so I could finally get this armoire/closet project finished. Doesn’t it look so sweet?

Again, I recognize that not all Mommies have the clothing obsession that I do…but in my defense, when you, your daughter, and daughter-to-be all share the same small closet, it makes things very interesting. I’m sure that Vann feels like he is drowning in a sea of shoes, accessories, jeans, and coordinating tights, and I feel for him, really I do. But, in a little over two months time he’ll be the only man in a house of (wait for it) five women, so hey, he’d better get used to it.

I look at it this way: I only have a few years to enjoy dressing my girls the way I want to…and then they have their whole lives to figure it out for themselves. Charlie is already getting opinions about things and she’s only two, so I’m going to enjoy this as long as I can. All of that to say, Vann and I were laughing about how nice it will be to have our own sinks, closets, etc. in a new house…no more sharing bathroom time and no more stacking my clothes on the dining room table. I can shut the door of my closet and NO ONE has to see it but me.

There are still some of Charlie’s things in my closet, and we are still sharing a dresser, but this armoire has given me back most of the space I had lost. Thank GOODNESS for generous neighbors like our dear Jill and Carl!!

Sunday Best



Oh, words do not describe how much I love this little Matilda Jane dress. The designer of Matilda Jane started out selling her wares at art fairs. I wasn’t able to drive to Plymouth, Michigan for the MJ art fair this summer but lucked into someone’s extra dress from the big online sale. It’s called the “Party Knot” and I just adore it!!

The Little Girl, The Cats, and The Wardrobe

What a crazy, busy day!! We moved Charlie’s small Ikea dresser into the office/baby room/cat lair and I washed and folded all of the newborn clothes and got them put away. Meanwhile, Vann and Carl broke their backs (not literally, but still) getting our new armoire up our front stairs and into Charlie’s room. It is a lot bigger than the piece of furniture that was there, but we had measured it and knew it would take up some space.

HOWEVER, I should say that after an hour or so alone in there (Vann took Charlie to the grocery store) I made a ton of progress and got most of her fall clothes put away. I’ve never been able to hang everything before (only the fancier things, and in my closet) so it was awesome to be able to SEE all of it!! Not only that, but Charlie even has boxes for socks, tights, hats, and bows!!

Now, I know, dear readers, that not all of you can appreciate such things, but having this extra bit of space is going to be a lifesaver for us! Here are some “before” pics (I’ll share the “after” pics when I get finished with it this weekend):

You can see how large it is relative to Charlie’s size. It will be perfect in a big girl room!! We can’t thank Carl and Jill enough for this amazing gift…Vann and I were discussing how this is the kind of stuff family does for you. We are honored and so appreciative of their willingness to not only give us this piece of furniture, but give it new life and help move it in for us. They have really served us today.

I *Heart* Pumpkins

Ok, I admit it. I’m a little obsessed.

I’m not sure why I didn’t really decorate for fall last year…maybe I felt like I had too much on my plate chasing after a one year old…which doesn’t make much sense considering I am now chasing after a two year old AND am almost 28 weeks prego. I think I’m just going to chalk up my current new decorating energy to nesting, plain and simple. Having this baby during my favorite time of year has me all warm and fuzzy inside!! Since I anticipate spending quite a bit of time in our apartment these next few months, I really want our place to be warm and inviting, for myself, my family, and the guests we’ll have over to see this precious bundle of joy.

So, I’m obsessed. With pumpkins. Of all shapes, sizes, textures, colors, etc. Today I found the cutest fall/harvest decorations at TJ Maxx, gotta love it there!! I don’t particularly care for potpourri or fake flowers, but I have been dreaming up a tablescape for our huge dining room table (which is normally stacked with laundry that needs to be put away). I even bought our first wreath and hung it on the front door!

The “pumpins” (as Charlie would say) pictured below can be found at Pottery Barn. I may need to swing by there this weekend and look at them in person. I am loving the metallic ones especially!! How fun!!

And speaking of having no place for folded laundry, our sweet upstairs neighbors Jill and Carl did the most amazing thing for us. Last month Jill mentioned to me that they had an armoire downstairs that we could have if we needed extra storage space for the girls. It needed to be refurbished, but we were welcome to it, and after discussing it with Vann and measuring Charlie’s room, we decided that it would be the perfect solution to our closet issues. Fast forward a few weeks later, and today Jill and Carl call us downstairs to see the finished product, as they offered to refurbish it for us. Let me tell you, it took my breath away. They put so much love and care into it, and it is DARLING. She painted it white for me, hung a bar in it for Charlie’s many dresses, and even purchased pink hangers and baskets for storage. We were floored by this sweet couple’s kindness and generosity. Is it normal to be geeked about organizing an armoire?? I can’t WAIT to get that gem moved in this weekend. What a gift!!!

The Scoop

Where to begin…

This week I received the call from my OB’s office that I was dreading. Turns out that my numbers were elevated and I have to revisit gestational diabetes again. It’s taken me a bit to process the news…and I didn’t want to post about it until I met with the dietician today and got more information. I was surprised to burst into tears after I got off the phone with the nurse when she told me. I’ve been down this road, so it would stand to reason that I can handle this, right?

Please forgive me, but my first response was to be really mad and scream about life’s unfairness…dramatic, I know…but we all know my major in college so this isn’t really a stretch. I know so many people who had gestational diabetes with their first child but then skipped it the second time around. WHY me????? WHY am I the one that is now forbidden to indulge in Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes because they don’t have sugar-free pumpkin syrup?? WHY am I the one who has to give up Munchkins altogether???? This is so not cool.

After a really good cry and a pep talk from Auntie Em (who reminded me how fantastic I was at this the first time) I am feeling better now. I met with the dietician today, and it turns out that things are a little different this time around. I did have elevated levels for two out of four of my blood draws last week (which technically gives you a diagnosis of gestational diabetes), BUT I only “failed” one out of two of those draws by 1 point.

1 POINT??? 1 measly point. 1 measly point = counting carbs and bye-bye Starbucks seasonal lattes.

The good news is that I don’t (at this point) have to monitor my sugars by finger pricking three times a day like the last time. They want to test me again next week on a full stomach (instead of the highly concentrated glucose drink they give you) and see if that brings my numbers down a bit. At that point, I may or may not have to monitor my sugars. Until then, I am to move forward with the diet.

The diet, by the way, is really the way we should all be eating, I suppose. Tons of fiber, whole grains, vegetables, healthy fats, etc. It’s all about balancing everything so you can have it all, but you have to be aware of portion control and you have to count your carbs (breads, milk and yogurt…) so Chipotle is out unless I get a bare bones burrito bowl, sans the rice and beans. Tonight I had Vann stop into Wishbone for me. I had grilled salmon, sauteed spinach, mashed potatoes, and a small bite of mac n’ cheese. Sounds doable, right??

I think that the hardest thing is when you are being denied something and it’s not your choice. (And yes, I know that this will be the best for the baby, I’m not totally heartless, but c’mon, we are all selfish beings, right??) But with the coming of fall and the holiday season means apple cider donuts, chocolate-covered marshmallows from Crate & Barrel, peppermint bark, and doggone it, eggnogg. God Bless eggnogg. I don’t eat all of these things at one time, for goodness sakes, but these seasonal goodies are part of why I love fall/winter so much.

So, all that to say, if you come to the hospital or to our home to welcome Baby B #2 after November 23rd, I won’t be mad atcha for bearing some type of delicious pumpkin or peppermint flavored treat. I won’t turn you away…I will lovingly welcome all seasonal goodies, whether they come in solid or liquid form. Trust me. No really, TRUST ME.

The Birthday Extravaganza Continues…

Our original intention was to have a final cupcake/present celebration for Charlie on Tuesday night, but she was so worn out from a day of no real nap (aka she fell asleep in the car and Mommy decided to go shopping instead) that we ended up putting her straight to bed after dinner.

We tried again last night with MUCH greater success. Aunt Janet gave Charlie her very own doll (named Chloe) who has her very own chair, just like Charlie! Thanks Auntie Janet, we love you!!

I should also mention that I went fall decoration hunting yesterday…yes, I know, it’s not officially fall, as my husband likes to remind me…but you all know it’s my VERY favorite time of year and I just can’t contain myself! So, considering it’s a three day weekend, I hope to take down the rest of Charlie’s party decorations (so sad!) and replace them with many fun festive things, including candles that smell like pumpkins!!! Yay!! (That’s a shout-out to Auntie Em…)

Happy Birthday, Charlie!!!

Last year we started a tradition of our birthday’s being like Christmas: first thing in the morning, we sing “Happy Birthday” and give the birthday girl (or boy, aka Daddy) their gifts. Today was no different. Because we don’t have the room for a real kitchen for Charlie until after we move, we bought her this little inexpensive stovetop from Target, to get her by. She immediately made Mommy some delicious pizza.

We are heading out to meet Daddy for lunch with his colleagues downtown. I had plans to have Charlie wear her birthday petti again but it may be a tad chilly. We’ll see what I can find. Once Daddy gets home tonight, we have a few more gifts (believe it or not) to open, specifically Aunt Janet’s, which we’ve been saving! This little girl is so well-loved, and we are overwhelmed with all of the kindness people have shown her on her 2nd birthday.