Rained Out

Ms. Megan and I were SO excited to take the girls to a pumpkin patch today with our mom’s group. We were all ready to go, dressed and all, when at the last minute the trip got cancelled due to rain. So sad. I had a moment where I thought I might still try to go, but then looked outside and realized that a muddy pumpkin patch probably wouldn’t be the MOST fun. So, we made the best of this rainy day and hung out at her place instead. She introduced me to honeycrisp apples…Um, WHY have I never tried these delicious treats??

The girls did very well with each other…there were only a couple scuffles over snacks. Charlie is just so darn territorial when it comes to snacks and it drives me crazy! If I have to tell her not to push another child one more time…Other than that, they giggled a lot and took a ton of turns down the slide. It’s really fun to listen to she and her friends “talk” to each other and have whole conversations, even if we aren’t sure what they are saying.

I am so bummed about the pumpkin patch, though…this is the second time we’ve been rained out of doing something festive. Maybe Charlie and I will make a trip out to Goebbert’s some day this month if we wake up and have nothing to do and the weather decides to cooperate. Hopefully she’ll get to wear her Halloween “Hanna” (Andersson) dress more than once.

Looks like Daddy will have to be the pumpkin-gatherer this time!!