I’m Going Green

We drove Charlie to meet up with Nana and JJ on Sunday. Vann and I were worried that the “hand-off” would be emotional (on her part) and we’d have to stealthily “disappear”. Boy were we wrong! It was emotional (on my part), but she didn’t think twice about it. In fact, I think she was ready to see us go.

She’ll be there for a week, enjoying a change of scenery while I attempt to get the Christmas decorations finally put away and get my head on straight. Before she left I made her try this on, a tried and true Matilda Jane…in fact, one of my very first purchases (when she was only 6 months old). Charlie has been such a pill to dress lately. I think she’s become so used to staying in her pj’s or changing into her daily outfit (yoga pants and a long sleeved tee) that she’s fighting me at every turn to put anything “fancier” on, especially anything involving tights. If she only knew (or cared) how much Oilily is hanging in her closet…Hmm. I guess I should be pretty happy that I have another girl to dress. Actually, Vann will be happy. I am recycling, after all.

responses to “I’m Going Green” 2

  1. Charlie loved being comfortable as you mentioned "pj and pants with long sleeve tee" and no shoes. If 'go' is mentioned this means socks, shoes and a jacket. Then off we go.

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