
Sunday afternoon we had our good friends the Speelman’s over for brunch. Vann made scrambled eggs with goat cheese and these AMAZING bacon and chocolate chip pancakes. Yep, I bought the mix at Whole Foods and had to try it out…totally worth it!!

Charlie had a ball with Georgia and we loved the adult conversation and laughs about our shared parent woes. It’s been awhile since we’ve entertained and it felt really good having all that fellowship around our dining room table. Definitely “food” for the heart!!Speaking of hearts, Valentine’s Day is coming up soon and you know I couldn’t let it go by without a few seasonal goodies. This little tunic and leggings set came from my favorite place, Target. On Saturday I had a few hours out of the house by myself and got completely lost there. I wandered the aisles, smelling candles and picking out fun things for a V-Day goodie bag for Charlie. Vann says that V-Day is a “Hallmark holiday”, but I think it’s just another excuse to celebrate and love on the people closest to you. I dropped a hint to Cupid that I might like the Season 1 DVD set of my newest addiction, “Glee”. How can you not feel great watching a show like that?? I’ve already downloaded both volumes of music on my ipod, now I just need the DVD’s to pop in when I’m feeling like I need a little Mr. Schuester fix!