Patience is a funny thing, isn’t it? Truly hard to come by. I pray for it ALL the time. Patience in regards to our hopeful move, patience in regards to our living space, patience in feeling stuck in this “newborn” phase… Colossians 1:11 states, “…being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience…” Does that mean that God is strengthening us as we seek to be patient? I learned that lesson this week. Although Ella has been “sleeping through the night (or STTN as the online community says)” since 6 weeks, (which you know means 6 hours), and has gradually stretched her time, I am so ready to have some normalcy around here again! Every night this week I have been pouring over her schedule, trying to figure out a way to get her to drop that last feeding of the day so she goes to bed when Charlie does. We tried it cold turkey. She woke up at 4:30 am, screaming for food. I kept thinking, “She’s never going to do this”, keeping in mind she’s not even 3 months old yet, and according to Babywise (the method we use) dropping that feeding usually occurs around 3ish months. I called my Mom (Mimi) and told her how frustrated I was and why couldn’t she just drop it already, and yada, yada, yada…she wisely reminded me of a few things:1. Ella has been in the world for just over 12 weeks. Give the girl some slack! She’ll do it when she’s ready.2. Give myself some slack! Be gracious to myself. Let it go.And you know what happened after I realized how impatient I was being? Two nights ago we couldn’t wake Ella up for her 9:30 feed for the life of us. So we put her back down, and she slept until 6:30 am. Last night, after we fed her at 7:30 pm, we put her down. She slept until 7 this morning. She did it, on her own time, not mine. We’ll most likely take steps backwards before we continue moving forwards, but little E taught me a lot this week about letting go…and letting God work. 11 hours! For those of you that have kids, you KNOW how amazing and life-giving sleep can be!!For those of you interested in sleep training, or going through it right now, you have to check out this awesome Babywise blog: don’t know HOW this mom has the time or the energy to keep this blog updated and current, but it is seriously the most amazing site. She’s answered almost every question there is about sleep training…
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I just recommended the same website to a friend with a newborn. Why buy the book, right? All of the answers are on the website. Way to go Ella!
Who can deny it….Babywise is the way to go, at least if your baby is OK with it, totally aware it doesn't work for everyone, but thank you Jesus, Georgia took great to it! And not to mention you and Vann are incredible parents, we can't forget to give credit to Holy Spirit guided parenting too, big piece of the puzzle. Love you guys!