The Last Day

This morning I wept in the car on my way home from the gym. Couldn’t help myself…it is Charlie’s last day in the city and my emotions finally overwhelmed me. She will say goodbye to more playmates this morning – it dawned on me last night that Lauren and Elynor were some of the first babies born in my group of friends. It is not lost on me that we are ending her time here with those same sweet girls.

Wednesday it was her dear Emi and yesterday it was her precious Lindsay. A week of goodbyes and I’m the one feeling all the pain.

So today I vowed I would make the most of our time and after our last playdate I am taking them both on one short final jaunt in the jogger…most likely up to Trader Joe’s and back (just about 2 miles). It sounds silly, but the route holds a special place in my heart. When I was down in the depths of post-partum dispair, and longing for some type of physical pick-me-up…I told myself “if I could just make it up to TJ’s…I will have accomplished something.” And I did.

To Be Continued…

response to “The Last Day” 1

  1. Keep up the good work!!!My parents moved in times past and I was a teenager. In a way that has caused me problems for years. Thank goodness the girls are small. Moving does leave an empty place…LOL

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