Happy Birthday, Charlie!!

Dear Charlie, I know other moms who write letters to their children, and I’m not sure why I haven’t done it before. Let’s just say you’ve kept me pretty busy. So, here’s the basics on Charliedom: You are a funny, creative, loving, talkative little gal. You can also tend to be bossy and a bit of a bully, which I hope are traits you will learn how to contain at some point. I do love how spirited you are — you never take no for an answer and are wicked smart. I have followed in the footsteps of moms before me and purchased “The Strong-Willed Child” by Dr. James Dobson — Ms. Kim tells me it is a revelation. Can’t wait to uncover those nuggets of wisdom so I am better able to help channel your energy for good and not evil.You take after your Daddy in many ways, the biggest being your super anal retentiveness. I’ve heard this will make you successful later in life — and you will most certainly dot all your I’s and cross all your T’s — so thank the Lawd you have your Daddy to commiserate with. You most certainly do not have me in that respect because I’m the one who consistently loses her keys and leaves the kitchen in such a state people might think we’ve been robbed. Not a nap or a bedtime goes by without a ticking off of the things in your room that aren’t in their place. And sometimes, you can be kinda unreasonable. You love to scoop up all of your “friends” (and computer and race car) and take them with you up and down the stairs, up and down, up and down. I have finally put my foot down and told you that you have to be responsible for your own friends and sometimes life is about choices — and no, Mommy won’t take Kenga downstairs for you just so you can ask me again in 15 minutes to bring her back upstairs.Thankfully, you have indulged your Mommy in all of her love of children’s clothing. And if I do say so myself, you are a cutie. Sometimes I will look back at you in the car and you are just so pixieish and spritely that I want to squeeze your face off. And I do love it when you make your sister giggle in the back seat. That’s really fun to hear.You do know how to throw a tantrum, sister. Boy, do you. Your latest obsession with immediate post-meltdown face wiping (“MY FACE!!! OH, MY FACE!!! WIPE MY FACE!!!) has put you in the running for this year’s best dramatic performance. And I guess in that way you take after your dear old Mom. You also got my complexion — bless your heart — so I’m afraid sunscreen will be your new best friend. But hey, Mimi looks about 20 years younger than she is so you’ve got some good skin genes. When you are 32 people will still card you, and you will be happy about it.The past few weeks you’ve been asking me at bedtime if we can “talk.” I can’t tell you how special that is to me. On Tuesday, after your first day of school, I decided to wait until you were ready to talk before I asked all about your day. Thankfully, you told me everything and it brings your Mom great joy to hear that teeny little voice excitedly sharing your thoughts and observations.In closing, this letter couldn’t be written without a mention of your BFF Kenga. Who knows if you’ll still have this pink penguin by the time you read this — just know that you were attached at the hip and no stuffed animal was more loved.Happy Birthday, my sweet little ball buster. Daddy and I are incredibly blessed that we were chosen to parent such a special person.Love,Mom