
It’s time for a change.

My creative side, the side of me that pounded the pavement of Chicago with no apologies and no fear, has been dormant for over 4 years. And while I know my life has changed forever, I need to find a way to tap into that side of me that longs to be heard and seen.

So I’m going to be taking this blog in a new direction. Just an FYI for those of you that follow the musings of this complicated, frazzled, wanting-to-be-liked mother of two small girls – the Chicklets, as they shall now be called.

Coming Soon!!

responses to “Change.” 3

  1. I've been thinking the same thing! Family news is great and all, but there is another part of me (okay, several parts of me) that have a voice, too πŸ™‚ Can't wait to read your new blog (I'm still brainstorming about mine, lol!)

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