
Sometimes it’s easier these days to catch a cute shot of Charlie. We find that saying, “Cheese!” loudly will often get her attention. But, sometimes, she’s just too wiggly. This was one of those days.

In other news, Mommy’s been an Ebay madwoman. Selling, not buying, people! Daddy says if Mommy can keep her shopping “self-contained”, he’ll never ask any questions…..

Hmmm….weeeellll, it may not be totally “self-contained”, but it’s definitely on the way there. This is a Lulu from last Spring. Cute, eh??

responses to “Lulu” 2

  1. Wow – Jace and I just had a brief conversation like that last night. I too made the argument that the things I buy on eBay with funds made from selling on eBay creates a financial wash – so there is no reason to account for it in the budget 🙂 Seems logical to me!

  2. This is another cute outfit. A budget will work if all parties are willing to try to make an effort. Good luck to both families. Any stay-at-mom has to be a business minded women:) I have been their and done the playing in the money pot to make ends meet. I proud of the both of you for giving staying at home a try!!!!

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