Apartment Living is for the Birds

Literally. Charlie and I came home from running errands yesterday and found the cats huddled on top of the stove. Why, you ask?? Well, it appears a BIRD has made a NEST in the exhaust hose directly above our hooded cooktop. Upon further investigation, it seems that it flew right in from the outside. I’m sure it’s quite warm and cozy up there, what with the heat from the apartment wafting upwards.

Seems harmless enough, unless Mother Bird forgets about Baby Birds, and then we have a problem. If we have to fumegate, I’m moving to Texas, immediately. Our landlord assures us this will be taken care of as early as next week. Until then, we are living in the middle of the Wild Kingdom. Literally, standing in our kitchen is like standing in the Bird Pavilion at the Lincoln Park Zoo. No need to pay for the zoo, people, just hang out over here. I can make coffee.

In order to get a reprieve from the chirping and to help out a friend, I’m blogging from Emilyn’s house today. Both girls played hard this morning, ate a fulfilling meal of chicken nuggets and craisin’s (which are really addicting, by the way!) and are now amazingly asleep. Let’s pray for a nice three hour chunk of time for just moi.

Pictures of our day coming soon…..

Lord, Help Us All…

We’ve been holding out hope that Charlie would continue her morning naps. However, this past week, it became apparent that as she slept well in the AM, her PM nap was basically non-existent. So we have begun the transition. Oh, woe is me, what WILL we do all morning?? It dawns on me that this may be the perfect segueway back to the gym….Mommy time, an hour and a half of (almost) free childcare, a way to get out stress and lose that last little bit before we even THINK about Baby #2…..suffice to say it may be the perfect solution. We’ll let you know how it goes. Until then, pray for me as I entertain a very cranky 14 month old….

Here’s Charlie in her new Room 7 dress (have I mentioned that the designer of Room 7 is actually the daughter of the couple who started Oilily??) Way to keep it in the family!!!

Off to eBay. You know Sunday’s are huge days for eBay, right????

Dreaming of Oilily….

Today I could NOT resist putting Charlie in this DARLING Oilily find from a secondhand store here in the city called, “The Second Child”. This “skappy” dress, as they are called, has just the right amount of volume and adorable blousey sleeves, not too mention it’s this thick, luxurious velvet. Ahhh. Can’t believe I got such a great deal.

Last week I scored an unbelievable Oilily dress off of Ebay that will make its debut next fall. It is so gorgeous…it is by far the most beautiful thing I have ever found for Charlie. Don’t worry…you’ll know it when you see it!

On another note, for those of you that are Oilily fans, I read that the brand will soon be available at Dillard’s. Not sure how I feel about this….but I’m always happy to score a great “vintage” find at a great price, so I continue to “hunt”…..


This week Charlie had a pajama party with her friend’s, the Jernigan boys. She and Ethan have been buds from the start, but it’s especially fun to see her interact with little (or should I say big!) Henry. They aren’t too far apart in age, and seem to really love each other, even going so far as to “eskimo kiss”.

Awww!! Charlie, better learn how to fight them off!!

Moving Forward….

Poor Charlie. She’s been a bit of a sad sack this week. These pictures were actually taken at our small group brunch last weekend, but we thought they captured just the right amount of frustration. We’re pretty disappointed over here on Giddings Street, but we know that the Lord is good and nothing is outside of His will. We also know that it’s very important to reflect Christ’s love in all we do and say….so we are trying to remember to be kind and gracious, even though sometimes we might feel like throwing a tantrum.
But it’s ok for Charlie. After all, she is a baby.