The Fickle Finger of Decorating

Hibernation also means that you all are subjected to my random musings and thoughts throughout the day…ready for it?? When we purchased all of our nursery furniture and decor, we planned on re-using it because it is gender neutral and will work for a boy or a girl. This also means that I get full reign to play with Charlie’s future “big girl” room. Yay!

I love Pottery Barn Kids, but Lord knows, it’s not the most cost-effective stuff out there. In my head, I see a great variety of pieces coming together to make a whimsical and eclectic space for my whimsical girl. That being said, I fell in love with this bedding set MONTHS ago:

So sweet, right?? Owls, mushrooms, deer….the more the merrier…I am just loving it. I would probably try to convince Daddy to let me purchase said bedding with say, oh, a tax refund (if we were so lucky), but knowing me, I might like something better when it’s ACTUALLY time to make these kinds of decisions. Ah, fickleness, you are my friend.

But here’s something I discovered that might help with the problem of fickleness….check it out…. Removable decals for nurseries and children’s rooms. Umm….if I were as creative and talented in the area of painting (as Ms. Marla is!) I would tackle these things on my own. But this, THIS is my kind of decorating!!!!!

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