
This was the best picture we could get of Charlie after church on Sunday! She refused to hold still. She’s wearing a Petit Ami dress I bought at the now-defunct City Mouse store in Lincoln Square. It’s probably a good thing that the little boutique went out of business, as it always seemed to be a good destination on those days when you just wanted to get out of the house with your newborn but didn’t want to go too far. *Sigh* It’s now been replaced with a women’s shoe store….not the same excitement, at least not in my book.

Daddy had to work Journeyland (Park’s children’s ministry) on Sunday, and I still wasn’t feeling at 100%, so he (being the man and father that he is) knew it was a perfect chance for a little daddy/daughter time. They went to church, and blissfully, I stayed nestled in bed and succeeded in sleeping for a total of 12 hours. I don’t need to tell you how great THAT felt. Charlie had the pleasure of spending Oscar night with her Auntie’s Em and Kate. They wore her out real good. After she went to bed, it was the usual combination of celebrity gossip, sushi, and cupcakes, which you know, can never go wrong.

Today, we bailed on Aquababies (yes, I know, our attendance hasn’t been stellar) and I find that I am in total hibernation mode. I’m not sure what I was thinking, signing her up for a swim class in the dead of winter, if only to have SOMETHING to do with our time. The timing of the classes are not ideal with Charlie’s schedule (having to rush home afterwards to feed/bathe/nap her before it’s so late that she won’t do any of those, for example) but we still have two classes left before the end of the session, and I will make a concerted effort to make it to those. It’s just so COLD.

One really positive thing that I will share (since I’m feeling chatty today), is that Daddy and I decided to instill a “no computer Sunday” rule. We’ve been feeling like our Sunday’s (after church) are usually spent with one of us in the office the entire afternoon, which leads to no actual family time. We tried it out yesterday, and it was awesome! Even though I was reading my Vogue and he was watching HGTV (we are very into shows about homes these days), we were in close proximity of each other and really got to focus on Charlie the hours she was awake. It made for a really nice day. I do however, reserve the right to include a clause for A. occasionally listing on eBay, and B. the spring release of Matilda Jane, which incidentally happens next Sunday, March 1st. The lookbook will be out, and you know I’m gonna want to check that out! Here’s a teaser shot for all you ladies with teeny weeny ones…cute, eh?