Spring, Is it Really You??

Thank the Lawd today is a sunny day!! Charlie and I have been cooped up in the house for way too long, and it was so nice this morning to get out for a walk, even a short one to the Blockbuster. We shared a chocolate croissant in the Square and she enjoyed her lunch out on the back porch for the very first time. We didn’t utilize our patio set enough last summer and I plan on not making that mistake again!!

I’m in the process of washing all of her spring/summer clothes and weeding out the fall/winter, which as you know, is taking it’s sweet time leaving. So, despite her new cute Mini Boden jellyfish tee and terry cloth pants, Charlie insists on wearing her winter hat. Who can blame the kid?? It’s practically part of her body!On another note, I was bummed to find out that I had missed the registration for Chicago’s Park District summer classes. Until now, Charlie has been too young to participate, but I had so hoped to enroll her in a little gymnastics class that starts at 18 months. Park District classes are notoriously hard to get into, as every mom in Chicago sits at her computer on registration day, ready to click her child into as many classes as she can handle. They go fast, as in Ticketmaster fast, so you have to be at the ready. They are cheap, and fun, and include music, gymnastics, sports, and swimming, among many others. After discovering that registration was, oh, MONDAY, I solemnly looked to see if anything was left. Turns out, ONE timeslot for gymnastics had TWO spots left. For $40, Charlie will have 8 weeks of tumbling to look forward to!! (We all know it’s not REALLY gymnastics for 18 month olds…more like a glorified running-around-let’s-get-you-worn-out-before-naps structured activity!) It will start in June and go through August. Success!!