The Big Announcement

Well, as most of you already know, Charlie’s going to be a big sister!! My official due date is November 29th, but because it will be a repeat c-section, this baby will arrive the week of Thanksgiving, at 39 weeks. Do I mind being in the hospital during a major holiday?? Nah…the day I check out we’ll have a big feast and I’ll enjoy my first glass of wine in 9 months. It will be a celebration, and we are thrilled!!

We will be finding out the sex, the week of July 13th, to be exact. I am way too much of a control freak not to. We won’t be sharing the name with anyone (sorry, Mimi)…no front-runner’s yet, but we’d just prefer to not hear all the opinions, to be quite honest. So, you’ll know if it’s a boy or a girl, but you won’t know that we are planning to name him/her Magenta Roosevelt Bischoff. It will be a surprise for all!!!

responses to “The Big Announcement” 4

  1. Congratulations!!!! I thought I heard you talking about being nauseous at the Mouse par-tay. I hope you are feeling better soon!! Welcome to the world of multiples. Nap time has never been more important and coveted!!

  2. Congratulations!!! In cool weather I was look at the blog. Daddy and Charlie was off doing a Saturday thing. Letting you get some much needed “me time and you got to sleep in”. I wondered then if you were sick. I prayed you would get better and be your bouncy self. So looks like we know what was up at that time.
    The name….Charlie is named after me ‘Charlotte’ and your grandmother ‘Faye’. Judy and I are proud of the picks. Love

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