Every Good Time Comes to an End…

Well, this is about the best we could do after church on Sunday. Charlie refused to pose for any pictures, but we managed to grab this quick shot before she melted down. What you can’t see is that she’s wearing her “Wizard of Oz” dress from Orient Expressed. It was one of my treasures from last Fall that she’s just now able to wear.
We enjoyed a lovely brunch (prepared by Vann) and then Poppy went to work on the apartment. Not only did he fix our screen door, but he and Vann performed a complete computer rehab and hung up our outdoor string lights on the back porch. Mimi made some amazing homemade banana pudding, and Charlie generally made mischief and was the target of many tickles and hugs. What did I do, you might ask?? Well, I partook in the banana pudding and spent my time cooking a baby. ;)Originally, we were going to hit up the Museum of Science and Industry this morning so that Poppy could see the trains, but we unanimously decided to sleep in instead and have a lazy day watching HGTV and catching up on all the video footage we had taken of Charlie over the past six months. It was such a wonderful visit and we are so thankful for all of the help and sweat that Mimi and Poppy put into their time here. We love you!!!!