An Open Letter to my Hubby, Charlie, Family, and Friends

To Vann: I’m sorry that I haven’t done any dishes or vacuumed the apartment in two months. I’m sorry that I can’t be in the kitchen during dinnertime, for fear of losing my lunch. I’m sorry that you’ve been doing triple-duty, what with work, school, and Charlie. I’m sorry that all I do is lay on the couch and moan and groan about making it to the second trimester. I’m sorry that you haven’t had a real meal since February. And I’m sorry I bought myself my own chocolates for Mother’s Day and spoiled the surprise. What can I say…someone else is in control of my emotions and actions these days. The baby made me do it!!

To Charlie: I’m sorry that Mommy hasn’t been too much fun lately. I’m sorry that I turn the monitor off and go back to sleep in the morning when I can clearly hear you talking/fussing in your crib. I’m sorry (although you’re probably not) that the TV is on ALL THE TIME these days. I’m sorry that you don’t get a bath unless Daddy offers to give you one. I’m sorry that you can’t jump on my tummy. I’m sorry that you haven’t seen the light of day and have only me to play with most of the time.

To my Family and Friends: I’m sorry for all the cancelled plans and playdates. I’m sorry for my poor attendance at mom’s group. I’m sorry for missing out on all the fun. I’m sorry for not getting back to you. I’m sorry that your Mother’s Day cards will be late. I’m sorry that you haven’t seen me lately.


responses to “An Open Letter to my Hubby, Charlie, Family, and Friends” 5

  1. Speaking on everyone’s behalf, “We forgive you! Thanks for being such an incredible wife, mom, and friend. You’re a blessing to us all. Here’s to you, with much love.”

  2. Well said, Vann. And from those of us who have been there (even just recently), we completely understand and we’d mail you a care package of a marry maid/nanny/personal chef/made out of chocolate if such a thing existed πŸ™‚

  3. As if an apology is even necessary, but how cute are you for your “sorry” posting, it was sweet! We love you and the rest of the fam, and of course that sweet little peanut you are caring around inside your tummy.

  4. Vann said it for all of us. The mother’s who have more than one child have stories about each one. Hope you feel better soon!

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