Charlie’s New ‘Do

Our other plan for this morning was to give Charlie a much-needed haircut. Not only is it super curly and frizzy when it gets long, but it is too much upkeep to have to chase her around and attempt to detangle the knots every morning. It’s no secret I *love* mod haircuts on little ones, so after consulting with Ms. Jen, we decided to chop it off.

I had no distractions for her (a.k.a. dum-dum suckers) and was a little nervous that she’d cooperate, but it turns out that bribing her with about 10,000 fruit snacks does the trick. I think the finished product is so stinkin’ cute, I just can’t stand it. Now everything she does just looks ten times cuter than before…let’s see if it works for her when she’s throwing a tantrum or refusing to take a nap…

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