Sweet Signature

My other big requirement for this party was the cake. I knew that if we were going to host it at our house (not my first choice, but necessary due to the extreme prices I found at party “places” in the city), than we could afford to splurge in other areas. This journey started out slowly, because so many of the bakeries in Chicago charge upwards of $200 for a child’s birthday cake. I know. Staggering, right?? When Vann’s colleague showed him a picture of a cake she had made for her son and told us where the bakery was (and how affordable it was), we HAD to go there.

It’s called Sweet Signature Bakery, and it’s located at 5708 W. Fullerton, which is a bit of a drive from our apartment but SO worth it. I went in with a picture I found online and the owner, George, literally made it a reality. It was layered chocolate and vanilla cake with custard in between, topped with purple rolled fondant. I got my two-tiered masterpiece, and for an amazing bargain price. And the taste?? Holy cow, AMAZING. I cannot recommend this place enough…they were SO nice and did everything possible to make me happy. George also made a chocolate cupcake for each child.

We have enough cake to last us until next year, in fact, last night I carefully sliced what was left and filled three containers with cake to freeze for later. I thought it’d be great to share it with all the grandparents when they come up for Baby #2’s arrival. I am not someone to take on baking my own cake for a party (as I know some of you are, and I envy you for it!) and am so thrilled with how it turned out!! Here’s a pic of Auntie Em helping me mix up the “Fizzy-Lifting Drink”…