A Word about the Party

We had such a wonderful time yesterday…so much so that I’m a bit sad about it being over, which I realize is a normal reaction. By the same token, I feel like it was a job well done, and I am glad all the planning paid off. I failed to get a great picture of the decorations I ordered off of Etsy.com…check out Party Poms for some really fun stuff. Our apartment is SO dark (due to the lack of any/little overhead lighting, yay, vintage) that getting any shots of the interior are proving more difficult as the days get shorter.

We filled the inside of our apartment with about 25 purple and gold balloons (also doubling as a favor for the kiddos to take home) and had two gold star balloons out front along with a bubble blower to greet our guests. That was definitely a crowd pleaser!!

And finally, I made these “washcloth” lollipops. Most people make these with baby washcloths for showers, etc…but I found these super bright washcloths from Target and asked my friend Jen for help. I think they turned out pretty cute…for this non-craftsy gal, I was pretty proud of my small contribution!

Once again, we are so thankful to our friends for their generosity. Charlie received many fun and educational things from her pals and we were so touched by all the thought put into her gifts. She also received some darling clothes, which you know always puts a smile on MY face! We are amazingly blessed and Charlie is a more well-rounded and happy (and social) child because of our community. Thank you to everyone who made her feel special yesterday, and everyday. We love you!!!