Charlie vs. The Bouncey House

Saturday afternoon we visited our good friends the Westroms for their daughter’s bday party/housewarming/end of summer BBQ. We’ve never been to a party where there was a bouncey house, and let me tell you, Charlie could have stayed in that thing all day and all night. Vann captured some pretty funny pics of the inside (while I noshed and visited with all the other Mommies there)…little Miss Elynor (the birthday girl) is the sweetie in the green gingham dress. Sorry for the blurry pics…let’s just call them “action shots”!!

Oh, and one quick note: Charlie was practicing some pretty awesome somersaults in the bouncey house. Guess she DID learn something in her summer gymnastics class!!

response to “Charlie vs. The Bouncey House” 1

  1. We got there about 6. Did we miss you?? We are having a party for Everett this Saturday at our new house WITH a bouncy house. If you are looking to find something to get Charlie's wiggles out, come on down. I am totally serious.

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