A Quick Update…

Thanks for all the prayers and kind wishes in regards to my gestational diabetes “issue”. I’ve had a bit of good news in that it turns out my numbers were great last week and I don’t have to test my sugars (at this time)!! I’m a little confused because it sounds to me like I’m a lot more borderline this time, so I’m not even sure if the diet is a must…now, of course, I will follow it, as I want to do what’s best for the baby, but sometimes I wonder if this is just their way of being overly cautious. The good news is that it will keep my weight in check and I will have much less to lose after the baby is born. I am still ten pounds down from where I was with Charlie at this time!!

I have my 30 week check-up on Monday, so I’m hoping to pin a nurse down to find out what exactly is going on with my body. Only 10 weeks to go!!