The Back-Up Plan

We originally had plans to join our good friends the Peterson’s at the Lincoln Park Zoo’s “Spooky Zoo Spectacular” this morning, but JUST as we were walking out to the car, it started to rain. Really rain. Enough rain that it would have made our zoo outing pretty miserable. So sad.

When we started taking Charlie’s boots off, her eyes welled up with tears and she got so upset we thought we’d better come up with a back-up plan, and fast. We ended up tooling around at Michael’s and Bed, Bath, and Beyond (I know, exciting, right?) so that Mommy could check off some of her to-do’s. For some reason Charlie insisted on wearing her hat and sunglasses indoors all morning. You would have thought she was being followed by the paparazzi…

responses to “The Back-Up Plan” 3

  1. Aren't 2 year old interesting; especially when they discover how to put their clothes together. She is shopping in disguise because of the store camera (no one can ID her). Cute!!!!!!!

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