Just An Update

Monday we had our second NST (non-stress test) and everything is still fine and we are still on schedule for November 23rd. I am somewhat happy to report that I’ve gained a few pounds in the past two weeks where I had NOT been gaining the two weeks before. It’s not from lack of eating, that’s for sure, but I’m wondering if the few pounds are a result of a (throat clearing) steadier diet of carbs and sweet and festive fall treats…I guess I figure our girl needs all the LB’s she can get!

In other news, Charlie’s Nana and JJ have agreed to keep her for the week prior to the surgery to give us a little break. I admit, I have mixed feelings about it ONLY because it will be our last week as a family of 3. However, there is much to be done around here, not too mention it will be lovely to have a little Vann and Amanda time before our lives change dramatically. We will just need to be purposeful about carving out some family time before the 15th, when Vann will drive her to Louisville to meet up with his parents. They will bring her back on the day of the surgery, however, she won’t meet Baby B until the second morning in the hospital…I want to make sure she has her own special time and isn’t just thrown into the mix with everyone else.

Just thinking about this first meeting has me tearing up already! I’ve heard friends talk about this and how hard it is to say goodbye to that sweet time when it’s just you and your first baby…and here we are, a little over 3 weeks away!

Oh, Charlie…no matter what Mommy might say on her worst day, she loves you so much. You have such a spunky spirit and you LOVE life – I don’t know what I would do without your sweet hugs and kisses. You will always be my baby.

response to “Just An Update” 1

  1. We are looking forward to having Charlie visit. So, Amanda, take care of yourself. Prayers are being answered with the good test and check ups.

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