The Eye of the Storm

Last night, after a full Thanksgiving meal and lots of fellowship and good conversation, the grandparents went their separate ways, except for Mimi (my Mom), who will be staying with us for almost two weeks. Although Vann and I were excited to experience our “family of four”, we were both pretty sad after everyone left yesterday. Life does go on, I suppose, and eventually we will be left to care for our two girls without the help of willing family members.

I am often emotional and teary these days, as I usually am in times of big change, and I know in my heart that “this too shall pass”, but for today I look around my messy apartment and am overwhelmed. I stare into the mirror at this harried, bleary-eyed woman and I am overwhelmed. I am unable to pick Charlie up when she wants me to and am faced with a hungry infant every 2-3 hours and I am overwhelmed.

Don’t misunderstand, I am bursting with thanks for all of God’s blessings, but I am terrified that I will do this poorly. This, meaning raising two small children. Right now the road looks very long and all I want is to sleep for one full day, to catch up, to pause everything so I can breathe.

So, not that you all care, but I will get back to posting pics of sweet Charlie and Ella at some point. For now, you just may be subjected to my random musings and thoughts as I attempt to make sense of my new life. It won’t be long before we can get this girl started on a schedule and she will begin sleeping for longer stretches at night. It WILL happen, I know it.

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