Sick Charlie

Poor Charlie. Unfortunately, these sweet pictures of she and Baby Georgia having breakfast on Saturday morning were her only bright spots all weekend. Around dinnertime that night, she felt really warm and flushed to me and after giving her a bath, I knew she had a fever. She’s been hovering right around 100 all weekend, so it hasn’t been too terribly bad, but she’s obviously not feeling herself and last night we bungled an attempt to give her Motrin in the middle of the night. I think it took her a good 45 minutes to stop crying, she was so disoriented.

All of that to say, when the medicine is in full affect she’s her active, crazy little self. We are hopeful she sleeps through the night tonight. We’ve had such trouble getting an accurate temperature read from the basic thermometer that I think we may have to invest in an ear thermometer like they use at the pediatrician’s office.

Luckily this week we don’t have anything too crazy going on. I suspect she’ll feel better by the middle of the week. We have her 2 year appointment already set for Wednesday, so if there are any lingering symptoms I’m sure her doctor will shed light on them then. I’d also rather she be sick now then in Tennessee when she’s far away from us (not that I don’t trust her Nana and JJ to know what to do)…Poor baby. It really is SO hard watching them try to fight off sickness. Her day consisted of watching Sprout and Nick Jr., eating tootsie pops, and taking a last minute trip in the backpack to the 7-11 with Daddy for a Diet Pepsi for Mommy…oh, and lots of cuddle time on the couch with both of us.

Tomorrow is another follow-up ultrasound for me and my 37 week appointment. Hard to believe, right?