The Sweetest Pea

It’s been a week since Baby Ella came into this world. It’s safe to say that I have NEVER been this tired Ever. I think because we bottle-fed Charlie and I had help, I didn’t get the full range and scope of sleepless nights. Not to say I’m in this alone – quite the opposite, Vann has been an amazing partner, picking up the slack and blearily changing preemie-sized diapers in the dark so as not to disturb his daughter’s sweet slumbers…but we all know the primary job of feeding Ella falls on me. Breastfeeding is a lot more tedious than I ever expected. It’s also going a lot better than I expected. I’ve had the normal hurdles, and even today it felt like some of those things were getting better, or at least weren’t present for every moment of feeding. We are successfully through the first week! Your prayers are definitely felt!!

So, you might wonder, what does a mom of a newborn do with her days? It’s been quiet here without the running of toddler feet, and Vann and I both miss Charlie terribly. With no meals to prepare for someone else during the day, I find that I’m forgetting to eat. I’m in a constant rotation of nursing, tv, reading about nursing, and facebooking…today I actually put the laundry away and made a to-do list. That’s about the scope of my productiveness.
And then there’s Ella. Ms. Megan called her “The Sweetest Pea” and I think that about sums her up. She and her button nose have me truly smitten. She’s too little for standard newborn clothes, so Vann had to purchase a few things for her…and I admit, I’ve been scouring eBay as well. Her shock of dark hair is my favorite part about her, and yesterday, the two of us fell asleep in the glider and napped for a good hour or so. To say that the glider was a good investment would be a huge understatement!

responses to “The Sweetest Pea” 3

  1. Best bet on Preemie clothes – Babies R Us and I know exactly how it feels to have a closet full on NB clothing that swallows a baby girl whole! Imagine a 3 pounder!

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