Glutton for Punishment

I’m home with two sick girlies today. Nothing major, just enough of a cough/cold to keep them both out of nursery at church. Is it spring yet?

So I think you all know that I’ve started working with my trainer Tamme again. She whipped my butt into shape after Charlie and a new butt is what I wanted for my birthday, so, Happy Birthday to me from my darling husband! Yesterday, I did a full hour with her and let me just say, please call NBC because she could give Jillian Michaels a run for her money on “The Biggest Loser”. She has me doing things I NEVER thought I could do: backbends, handstands, and full-on jumps UP onto varying levels of exercise mats, like stacked up HIGH.

We started out our hour on this section of flooring specifically created to simulate ice, as in ice skating. That’s what I did, every 8 minutes or so, for 5 minutes each time. Ice skated. I put these little booties on my shoes and pushed off the sides and ice skated. It was insane. Then she had me doing “walking planks” which basically consist of slowly rolling down your spine (as if you were going to touch your toes), walking outwards into a push-up position, and then doing push-ups. Like, 25 of them. And let’s not forget the bicep curls and tricep dips…

She told me it takes two months to really see results when you’re toning up. I assume the fact that I feel like someone ran over me with a semi truck today is a good sign. On the off days that I’m not training or taking a group class at the gym I’m doing Jillian Michaels “30 Day Shred” DVD, which is not only the best-selling exercise DVD of all time but also some pretty serious business. Don’t take my word for it, buy it. It’s KILLER.

Oh, you know I’ll be back. Tomorrow, in fact. I’m really committed this time. We are eating better around here and I’m trying to make healthy choices for my body and my spirit. All of these things point me back to wellness and feeling like me again, and hopefully, being in the best shape of my LIFE.

And, I mean, workout clothes are so much cuter these days.

responses to “Glutton for Punishment” 2

  1. You're my hero! Love you girl and totally know about the germies…..we got a sick girly here too, no nursery for us either this morning. Craig and I went to church seperate today and at different times for the first time in years. Hated it.

  2. Take care! Keep your goal at the gym and it will be worth it. Wish I could get back to the ymca. All the exercise makes me feel better.
    The girls are really growing. Look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Hope the girls are better today…Tuesday.

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