Walkin’ and Rollin’

This week really flew by. We’ve been walking like crazy! My sweet friend Ms. Lauren met us for a little exercise and real estate talk last Wednesday, which was so good for the body, mind, and spirit. As an added bonus, we stopped to gaze at a few of my “dream homes” around the neighborhood. It was warm enough for a visit to the park and Georgia and Charlie loved spending time together, as usual!

Also this week I hit one of my favorite consignment sales of the year, Best Brands Resale, in Wheaton. Always an adventure (the first time I went Charlie was only 6ish months old and I had her in a front carrier because there wasn’t enough room for strollers!) — this sale never disappoints. I scored a pristine Oilily dress and cardigan set for $25 (I’m sure it retailed for at least 8x that much) among some other goodies so I was really pumped. I also managed to get some me time in this weekend so I could do some dreaded jeans shopping and buy a few new summery things. You probably wouldn’t believe me, but I truly don’t have much of a spring/summer wardrobe. I spent the last two summers being pregnant or coming down from pregnancy and girlfriend needed some new duds! Ella is holding her head up so much better these days and really loving hanging out anywhere her big sister is. It’s so much fun for me to watch them interact, even at this young age. This week we will probably have more of the same, providing the weather cooperates — trips to the park, walks, another round of Aquababies at my gym (have I mentioned Charlie’s taking another swimming class?) and beginning the great purge. In order to “lighten our load” (so to speak) for the future, I have to start going through all the clutter. Do I really need that asymmetrical neon green and black striped dress I wore to my 25th birthday party?

response to “Walkin’ and Rollin’” 1

  1. The girls are sure growing. Love the outfits. Ella appears to be enjoying her tummy time better. These are 3 great girls. Say hello to Lauren. Give all a hug.

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