Welcome to the Jungle

To say that today was a gorgeous day would be a huge understatement.

With nothing planned, first thing this morning Charlie and I ran down to the corner cafe in our pj’s (literally) to grab croissants and coffee. After Ella got up from her first nap we loaded up in the double and walked. And when I mean walked, we walked. I bought a pedometer a couple weeks ago to start keeping track of my distance and the amount of steps I’m taking and we clocked in at right around 17, 000 steps by 3 pm. That’s almost 7 miles!! We would fast-walk it for awhile and then stop at a park and let our very brave toddler slide down the big slide and then we’d get back in the stroller and walk some more.

We had lunch and did a little shopping along the way. After we got home we sat out on our front stoop and watched the neighbors pass by while Charlie ran back and forth, pointing out airplanes and scoring Smarties (for posing for pics, of course). As the air grew a little cool, we came inside for baths and a little R & R to rest our tired muscles.

It was a picture-perfect day; one of those days that makes you love the city and the ability to walk everywhere, whether it be for an ice cream cone, a baby gift for a friend, or arugula for some homemade pizza (which Vann is making tonight, by the way). It’s these kinds of days that we will miss terribly when we are not living in the concrete jungle anymore.

And, those 17,000 steps DO justify the chocolate croissants I had this morning…a little splurge for a job well done. I might even be (almost) ready to go buy myself a new pair of jeans.


responses to “Welcome to the Jungle” 2

  1. Love the glasses and the red dress…Everyone seems to be enjoying the weather. Little Ella is growing and I would love to give her a hug. Give all a hug for us……

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