Thoughts about Summer

I love what my friend Tracy wrote about Summer.

I pretty much agree with her 100%. C’mon, people. I did live in Chicago for 10 years.

Don’t ask me about my quest today to find a couple easy, breezy summer dresses to wear every day. I’ve been everywhere. I can’t find anything that’s not empire-waist/maternity-looking or $128. Where are all of the $19.99 buys?? Oh, that’s right, in the Junior section at Dillards. Need I say more??

Come September, I’m golden. Flowy Anthro sweaters, infinity scarves, boots of all shapes and sizes. Cashmere, dark wash jeans, hoodies, Uggs! Somehow I always feel more put together and yes, smell better between September and March. Summer makes me feel sweaty, what makeup I do put on runs down my face, and my pasty skin screams, “No, I don’t tan, I burn!!”

So, over the past year I’ve splurged on Lululemon (I know, Honey, those days are over) and pretty much live in my precious luon all day, every day. But guess what? It’s too damn hot here to wear Lulu, so I spend my days pinning back the ill-fated bangs I got before we moved and walking around in the same two pairs of running capris. Sigh.

It’s Fall soon, right?

response to “Thoughts about Summer” 1

  1. Honey….WELCOME to the hot South. Sleeveless and cool clothes are the norm. Sun protection is common. I like NO-AD, Coppertone Sport and Target Up&Up spray. I sweat like turning on a faucet. I drink it in and it runs out through my pores. Target here…had some cute sundresses.

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