Two Things

1. Baby Ella is 7 months old today! Can you believe it? Her hand/eye coordination has dramatically improved and she is talking up a storm. She’s able to sit unassisted in the Boppy for about two seconds before she starts to topple over. Rolling over is now an everyday occurrence – last night was the first time I caught her sleeping on her stomach. Her “baby” hair has fallen out and what’s growing in could be mistaken for cornsilk, it’s that blonde. Thatta girl. Can’t get that from a bottle!

E is a total joy. She’s more of a snuggler than Charlie ever was. Her soft breath as she nuzzles into my neck combined with her sweet baby smell is the perfect end to any day. Little Pea.

2. I’ve been so worried about getting Charlie into a mother’s day out/pre-preschool program this fall, naturally, because it’s super late in the game and most places are filled by now. However, I’m pleased to announce that persistence pays off – my little pistol will be an official schoolgirl come September! She’ll be in the 2 year old class at Frisco’s 1st United Methodist Church (being a September birthday, she’ll always be on the cusp of two age groups). At FUMC they divide the classes up by birthdays, so Charlie will be in school alongside kids that are within 3 months of her.

After I got off the phone with the assistant director I ran around the house screaming (which you know got Charlie super excited). I am just SO excited for her. She’ll make new friends, learn in a Christian environment, AND take music and “creative movement”. I KNOW! Great, right????!!!!

Of course, there is some selfishness involved – she’ll be going to school Tuesdays and Thursdays from…wait for it…9 am to 2:30 pm. Um, hello????!!!

We’ll have the opportunity to tour the facilities during one of the summer day camps and there is an orientation night in August that the whole family is invited to. I’m already starting to feel nervous – what will I wear??? Will we make new friends too???

Tomorrow morning I’m off to house-hunt again, this time with Vann and Charlie in tow. Wish us luck!!

response to “Two Things” 1

  1. Way to go girl…Charlie will enjoy the children. It is all a new experience and nervousness is natural. Just be yourself!! Good luck with the house hunt! Give all a hug?
    By the time you read this Vann will be back in Chicago. Hope house hunting went well. Love

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