Fried Chicken and Other Stuff

Last weekend Uncle Evan and Aunt M’Em brought my darling niece and nephew to Frisco to see our house and spend the day with us. Charlie did amazing. They played so well together – I think the only time I had to intervene was when she was being a little handsy at lunch. I never had cousins my age so I’m really pumped to see these three (and Ella too) grow up together.

We introduced everyone to Babe’s Chicken (thanks Casey) and as always, it didn’t disappoint. I’m a little concerned about the amount of Babe’s we’ve been consuming in our house – seriously, if I continue to eat like this I will be 300 pounds. It’s basically the most delicious family style joint you’ll eat at: you choose a meat – pot roast, smoked chicken and fried catfish being three of your choices – and they bring you more side dishes than you can possibly eat. Corn. Biscuits. Green beans. Mashed potatoes and gravy. All for…wait for it…10 bucks a person. Oh, and did I mention they have pie???

So potty training starts this Saturday. As in, cold turkey, people. I’m freaking out about it. Have I mentioned Charlie’s regressed a bit in that department? She used to tell me as it was happening, like a real-time newsflash, but now, nothing. She seems content to walk around in it, and I find myself getting very annoyed. I just have no idea how it’s going to go. Will she still be in diapers when she’s in the 1st grade??

I try to bring up the fact that now all of her friends use the potty (nothing like a little peer pressure to get a kid to spring into action) but alas, that tactic hasn’t worked. I guess we just have to rip off the band-aid and hope it doesn’t bleed. I told Vann we’d better get some waterproof pads to put over our new couch and I think he thought I was joking. He looked a little bit like a deer in headlights. Let’s just say that he’ll probably learn more about the female anatomy than he would ever, ever want to.

Our day ended with a visit to my grandparent’s where the kids basically ransacked the place and we spent our time keeping them away from the knickknacks and glass coffee table.

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