
It took me an insane amount of bribery to get this one picture of you-know-who. What a turkey.

I’ve been feeling nostalgic about my collection of Matilda Jane. This is the first season since Charlie was 6 months old that I haven’t bought anything. I just wasn’t feelin’ the love this time and I used my eBay money for the return of Oilily and truckloads of Target, Carter’s and Mini Boden. Gasp…I know, have I fallen off the boutique bandwagon?? No, just trying to remember that Charlie is in school and needs things a smidge more practical. A smidge.

Have I mentioned I’m consigning in a big baby and maternity sale later on this fall? It’s going to be a lot of work…I have to log everything into the computer and hang, pin, and iron every piece of clothing. If I volunteer as well, I can make up to 80% on what I sell. I’m beginning the great purge. I plan on fully funding our Christmas shopping through this sale. I can do it, right?? I just keep thinking about all of the guilt-free spending we’ll be able to enjoy.

But oh, MJ…I’ve been pulling out some oldies but goodies. My friend Kim is applying to become a rep and we are hoping to do a show here in Frisco next spring. I’m sure by then my obsession with MJ will return in full force.

Until then, this will have to do.

Pure Love.

response to “Love” 1

  1. Good picture…she looks like a big girl! and a little impish.
    Even if consigning is a lot of work. The final rewards will be worth the trouble.

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