Starting Fresh.

Ah. There you are. The sparkly blonde you see in my new header is my “got it all together” doppelganger – what I long to be on my very, very best day. Thanks to Marina from Penny Lane Designs for making my blog dreams a reality!!

There is one other thing (besides being in the chorus line of a Broadway musical) that I would love to be when I grow up.

A writer. My whole life I’ve kept journal upon journal…you know, because back in the day there was no such thing as blogging. I would buy that pen that “wrote” the best and spend my nights sitting next to a space heater in the bathroom, simultaneously reading “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L’Engle and furiously scribbling in my journal until the very last page was filled.

And now, I find that I’m longing for some type of creative release – something that’s all mine. And because jumping back into the theatre world right now with small children seems impossible, I am jumping into the blogosphere with a newfound passion for writing…the good, the bad, and the ugly. Motherhood. Faith. And all that lies in between.

responses to “Starting Fresh.” 2

  1. Love love loving the new look and the new direction! I can't wait to hear your musings on all of the above and can't wait to see what you pen on these "pages." Much love, friend!

  2. I'm already hooked— I can't wait to read more and keep up with Almost Juliet. Love your honest straight talk and your quick wit! And love the new look!

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