Kick it!!

So I’ve had a resurgence in motivation. Vann found me slack-jawed in front of the TV during our staycation – I discovered Turbofire and I think I’m addicted. Turns out that the founder of Turbofire, Chalene Johnson, is also the creator of the Turbokick boxing class at my gym.

It’s high impact cardio conditioning, and it is so fun!! Today’s class kicked my rear end to next week. The girl next to me told me that she’s been doing it for 6 weeks and she’s lost 11 pounds. Sign me up!!

I talked a big game last fall about reaching my “goal” by my 33rd birthday…and guess what?? Uh, my birthday was in March and I’m still unhappy with the state of things. The good news is that I joined a bootcamp last November and met some lovely women – and now have new friendships to show for it. Our bootcamp class ended a week ago so I was searching for a way to keep it moving.

So cross your fingers for me and say a quick prayer too. I’m working on quieting those “voices” in my head – the “noise” that keeps you from being kind to yourself.

And an update for all of you sweet friends out there who have supported us through Ella’s delays: I am pleased to report she has started pulling up and cruising!! She will also hold her sippy cup and drink out of it – and we are working on her mastering self-feeding for good. I think that God has done a major work in me – when she came back from staying with my Mom this last time my heart was so softened towards her. That may sound strange, but I was really needing a heart change towards my youngest. God graciously gave that to me!!

response to “Kick it!!” 1

  1. So encouraged by your motivation and so glad I'm on Day 3 of Couch to 5K! My friends and family are shocked! Turbofire – I might have to work my way up to 🙂 PS – can we start using the word "slack-jawed" as often as possible. I.E "Michelle saw her husband walk in the door and was slack-jawed at his good looks." or "Michelle baked a pie and her friend Amanda was slack-jawed at its beauty."

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