Mesh Shirts.

Ohmigosh y’all, I got a wild hair last night and pulled about eight bags of clothes out of my closet. I was inspired by my good friend who said she cleaned out her closet and it felt so good to let go of all the things you save because you “might” wear it someday.

Just a few of the oh so special things I pulled:

–A black velvet “duster” with wide lapels and a satin liner. Don’t laugh at me – I begged my Mom for it in high school. It was from the store RAMPAGE and was like $70 or something! I LOVED that coat. It was super cool at the time! I PROMISE. (To really bug me, my older brother Evan used to say, “Oh, are you going on a RAMPAGE??”)

–A brown corduroy skirt with orange paisley trim that was actually a knock-off of a Marc Jacobs skirt I saw in Neiman’s on Michigan Avenue. I had been in Chicago for less than a year, and yes, I would wander through NM from time to time. $300 was certainly too much for a skirt – but lucky me! I found the $38 version at a boutique on Belmont Avenue.

–Hot pink ballet crocs. ??????

–An Esprit black “suit”. I wore this to all of my graduate school auditions. Why I have kept it I’ll never know. It is so teeny, CHARLIE could wear it.

Vann swears I gave up all of the really good stuff when we moved out of the condo before Charlie was born. He just reminded me of a dress that had cartoon characters on it??? I don’t remember said dress, but I’m not surprised. If it was trendy, I wore it. I frequented Contempo, Wet Seal, Rampage, you name it. And although I DO still shop at Forever 21 from time to time, I promise I’m only getting the really cute stuff. No striped neon, no mesh shirts.

Wait a minute… Did I just say “mesh shirt”??

Yes. Yes, I did.

responses to “Mesh Shirts.” 3

  1. I go on these cleaning out spurts where I just want to get rid of my entire wardrobe. I've been known to kick clothes to the curb that I'm later kicking myself for having thrown them out. Now that we're on the subject, I have in mind a pair of falling apart black flats tat I need to get rid of. Especially, now that I have two other pairs of black flats with much better quality and style.

    Anyway, I've been looking around your blog and I'm really liking it here. πŸ™‚ Your girls are so precious! I'm interested to know more about your fling with acting. I used to want to be an actress when I was in high school. Every time I would read a book, I would imagine it was a movie in my mind where I would cast myself as the lead female character. LOL!

    Sometimes, I still feel that old twinge of wanting to act, if only to see what its like. It seems like it would be really interesting. I did minor plays in high school, but nothing serious. I fleetingly thought about taking a theater class when I started college, but I'm way too safe for that. Dancing was better for me, because I didn't have to talk. That's why starring as Clara in the Nutcracker was so great for me when I was 13. I could just use my face to show my emotions. I didn't actually have to say anything! I miss it sometimes. I wonder if I maybe I gave myself more of chance if I actually could've done something with it.

  2. lauren, i never thought i would be anything other than an actor – and i still have that pull in my heart when i think about how close i came to really fulfilling that dream. ultimately i'm not sure my skin was thick enough – but somehow i still found the courage to get back out there, everyday.

    i'm in this place now where i feel like something new is just around the corner for me -you know, other than being a mom (which i love, don't get me wrong) – i'm hoping that God hasn't forgotten about me and He's still going to use me in a huge way.

    i'm so happy you stopped by. πŸ™‚ i love connecting with other gals who put it all out there!! πŸ™‚

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