Chatty Kathy.

As I type this, Vann is putting Charlie down for the third time.  You know you have an issue when your older child starts feeling like more “work” than your younger child – because you know, a little person who can get her own milk and go to the potty by herself should have more independence than your baby still in diapers.  Or so you would think. I love Charlie SO much.  She is a hilarious child; full of questions, spunk, and imagination.  But man, she is in a super-needy phase right now and I think she and I might benefit from a little break from each other.  I find that I yell more than I have in the past.  And when your 3 year old starts stomping around huffing and puffing in exasperation you figure she probably didn’t get it from Mickey Mouse.  Newsflash: I’m not too great at hiding my frustration.  Yeah, I know – you’re shocked. My city mom friends would tell the funniest stories about their 3-4 year olds when I had my one baby and that phase seemed forever away.  “Does she ever.stop.talking???” was a  common complaint.  Well, I can tell you, I get it now.  Case in point – This week we rented “Finding Nemo” from the library.  ALL DAY LONG Charlie was assigning names to Ella and me: C: “No, Mommy, her name isn’t Baby Ewa it’s Nemo.” C: “Mommy, what is my name again?” Me: “Uh, Marlon.” C: “Mommy, what is your name again?” Me: “Uh, Dorrie.” C: “Mommy, Nemo’s going down the potty, we have to save him.” and the usual fare: C: “Mommy, I need a snaaaaack.” C: “Mommy, I’m going to work.” C: “Mommy, do you live here?” And so it goes.  And so I say about my loveable little chica: “Does.she.ever.stop.talking???”