Stretch Marks.

So, this morning Charlie and I were doing our usual dance:  I tell her to go potty (she can do it BY HERSELF now, you know – she likes to remind me). I watch her streak naked through the living room as she chases the cat. I tell her with a slightly raised voice to go potty so we can leave. She picks up tampons and offers them to invisible friends as “Smarties”, to which I tell her no, no, those aren’t edible. I yell at her to go to the potty or I’m leaving without her.  She tells me she loves the color pink and goes.  But not without telling me where the tee-tee is coming from.  Beautiful. Anyhoo – this morning I was getting dressed as we were doing our dance and she walks right up to me, points at my stomach and says, “Mommy??  Why you have these??  Did you get old like Mimi??” Silence.  Crickets.  “Um”, I reply, “No, no, honey.  These are what Mommies sometimes get after they have a baby in their tummies.” “Oh.”  She pauses.  “I want to be Pingu for Halloween!!” So naturally this is how I dealt with the feel-good comment of the day: IMG00152

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