Getting Down to Brass Tacks.

It was weigh-in day today, y’all.  And to celebrate, I ate a huge breakfast.  Whoops. Anyway, guess what?? I’m down 5.6 pounds.  Oh, yeah – I’m counting those ounces. Hallelujer!!!!! I figured things were going well when I tried a dress on in Anthropologie on Monday and it actually looked pretty great.  Yes, there was some potential there. That almost never happens.  The leaving the dressing room happy thing??  C’mon.  You know I’m right. 5-10 pounds on a petite gal really makes a difference!  I mean, it makes a difference regardless of how much you have to lose – it’s the space between sizes.  I’m pleased that I don’t feel deprived – I’ve actually had my fair share of sushi meals and even (GASP) wine – and have still managed to stay “on plan” for a month now.  4 weeks!!  So I’m not done, no way.  Still have work to do.  But I’m getting there. And that feels pretty freakin’ great.

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