The Art of Cakemaking.

So for years my dear friend Megan has made her daughter’s birthday cakes from scratch.  They are always darling and you know she spent hours painstakingly and lovingly baking and decorating them. It’s no secret to anyone that knows me that I am.not.a.baker.nor.a.cook.  However, sometimes I do sell myself short.  I thought, “why not?” and decided that I, too, was going to make a cake.  For Charlie’s 4th birthday.  So I googled dino cakes and came up with a really cute template from Betty Crocker’s website, gathered all my materials, and set aside an afternoon to tackle this culinary masterpiece.  The most important lesson I learned was in the art of crumbs.  Apparently one should freeze or refridgerate a cake before frosting it?  Otherwise, this is what happens: 283869_10150283318212722_611007721_7514231_6566118_n Hmph.  Blasted crumbs! This was proving to be a little more difficult than I had anticipated.  Not to be deterred, however, I sought the advice of some well-versed baking friends via Facebook and popped this bad boy in the fridge in the hopes I could resume icing it in an hour or so. Let me just show you what the cake was supposed to look like: d5583bc0-3e01-4f08-a75d-f8c868809aec …aaaanddd what it ended up looking like: 184160_10150283483372722_611007721_7516005_8142489_n Ah yes, you are all very sweet, but let’s just say that my career as a cake-maker might have just ended before it began.  And to make matters worse, a piece of this cake is about a million Weight Watchers points.  So I can’t even ENJOY the fruits of my labor!! I’m on a cake-making strike!!

responses to “The Art of Cakemaking.” 2

  1. OK, I was seriously laughing out loud SO HARD looking at these pictures. Oh my gosh, I love you! Sorry I missed you today, or was that yesterday? Ugh, life is moving so fast right now, I'll call tomorrow.

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