Charlie, Forever 4.

So I’m having a moment.  I was looking through pictures of Charlie in her school clothes – yes I am a nerd and plan out her outfits and sometimes I even think about it when I’m laying in bed trying to fall asleep – and all of a sudden I had this flash of a tween Charlie.  Skinny legs and a cute little mod haircut…that impish grin on a 10 year old…Good Lord, what am I in for? This picture, for instance: 310757_10150314007652722_611007721_7779140_989201494_n I mean, really – how tall does she look here?  And here: 296160_10150332891887722_611007721_7884216_559165942_n These days she is afraid of the dark.  She doesn’t like being dropped off at school without a proper hug and kiss.  She carries at least one “friend” (read: stuffed animal, preferably of the dino/reptile/bird persuasion) with her evey single day.  She requests “macanoni” for “breaksast”.  She prefers to run around the house in just her skivvies. If she had a handbag, she would want to carry the cat around in it. She collects coins. There is definitely chocwate milk running through her veins. She’s seen the movie “Rio” about 500 times. She’s only 4.  So what happens when she’s 6, 8, 10??  She won’t be so little anymore.  Will she still need me?  Will she think I’m super uncool?  Will she still let me plan out her outfits? 

response to “Charlie, Forever 4.” 1

  1. Based on recent confrontations with Lauren, she will stop letting you plan her outfits at exactly 4.5 yrs of age. Enjoy it while you can. 😉

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