We Will Never Forget.

So when we found out that we were moving I decided to do a little “blog project” to commemorate our departure.  I grabbed my camera and spent a couple days taking trains and cabs to all of the locations that had meant something to me over the past decade in sweet home Chicago.  One of the places I visited was a commercial photography studio, the home of my first “real” job in the city.  It was also the answer to the question, “Where were you when…the twin towers fell??”  You can read my original post about that day here. Now, 10 years later, the memories are as fresh as the day that great tragedy happened.  I think it is just CRAZY if you weren’t deeply affected by all the ceremonies and memorials shown today…and yet I’m sure there are some who go about their daily lives and September 11th is nothing but a passing thought. For me, it was a game changer.  I had been living in a huge metropolitan city for a year and was far away from my family.  I will never, ever forget the feeling of standing outside that studio and looking east into downtown at the Sears Tower.  It was a beautiful, crisp day in the WIndy City as well, and who’s to say that a 5th plane wouldn’t have found its way to us.  I believe that man is inherently evil.  I believe that it is only through Christ that we are forgiven and given Eternal Life.  I also believe there is a very special place in Hell for the men that drove those planes into the twin towers, the Pentagon, and that field outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. At the end of the day, I know as a Christian that my God is a good God, a just God.  And I know that justice will be served.  But I can’t live in fear.  I KNOW that fear is not from God.  What I DO know is this – Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” We will Never Forget. Psalms 91:1 – “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High 
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”