Frightfully Annoying.

Oh yes, your friend Amanda (aka Martha, Part Deux), attempted a treat for a girl’s night coming up this week.  I was made to believe that these were “frightfully easy”.  Really?  Then how come they are supposed to look like this: nutter_butter_ghosts and came out looking like this: 298788_10150365268652722_611007721_8061864_1509864476_n Might be a good idea next time to use chocolate that actually MELTS.  AND have enough so these little Caspers are fully robed.  It’s like a Nutter Butter peepshow up in here.

response to “Frightfully Annoying.” 1

  1. Sweet friend, I have to say I was SO excited to see this post and recognize it was probably going to be about a cooking mishap by my precious Amand. It was a LONG and HARD day, and I needed some laughs, sorry, I guess on your account, and just as the post about the dino cake did not disappoint, I knew this one would make me laugh out loud too, and so I quickly scrolled down to see the picture of your darling creation….thank you and as usual, love you girl!

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